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PTP PowerTube+ Light


The PTP PowerTube+ features built-in handles and comes with a door anchor, so that you can set it up at any heights and train in the comfort of your own home or any hotel room while travelling. The ICT innovation prevents the tube from stretching past its rupture point for unparalleled safety and durability. Including over 50 exercises, you will be able to maximise your fitness performance, targeting all major muscle groups and preventing muscle imbalances.

This Lime PowerTube+ has a weight rating of 5.5 kg (12.1 lb.), making it suitable for those relatively new to resistance training and/or with occasional physical activity. This is the resistance level for you if you are keen to develop lean long muscles, increase your flexibility or condition your muscles to prevent injuries. It can prove itself particularly useful to yogis, dancers or Pilates enthusiasts who wish to achieve improved mobility and range of motion.


  • Perform over 50 exercises with programmes to target all muscle groups
  • For light body toning, flexibility and injury prevention
  • Suitable for beginners and people with occasional physical activity
  • Special custom-built handles for superior grip and premium quality tubing
  • Unique safety Inner Cord Technology (ICT) to stop the tube from snapping
  • Easy on the joints thanks to the progressive elastic resistance